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The Americas
We Must Not Obscure the Message Behind Black Lives…
While some will likely continue to frame the protests in a way that takes away from BLM’s message, it is important…
Segregated Suburbia: The Single-Family Home and the…
Although today’s exclusionary zoning policies do not explicitly mention race, the American myth of the…
Capitol Hill’s Complicated Relationship With…
Seattle’s lack of consensus on Capitol Hill makes it an anomaly of unresolved revolutions with a historical…
The Depth of Our Denial: The History of Discriminatory…
How Canada's long-standing history of colonial surveillance has built and shaped modern policing practices today.
Star Power, Black Power, and the Limits of Celebrity…
Fans should put less focus on their favourite celebrities and instead open their ears, hearts, and minds to the…
Defunding the Police: The Power of Resource Reallocation
When an institution is so blatantly biased against certain groups of society, small-scale reforms fail to bring…
Riot Gear: The Lie of Non-lethality
Despite a large focus of the movement specifically being the condemnation of police violence, US law enforcement in…
From Tokenism to Direct Action: What First Nations are…
While the process of acknowledgement is essential for reparation, Indigenous leaders are now urging Canada to move…
The ‘AOC Effect’: Ushering in a New…
In a country currently swept by progressive social movements, can grassroots candidates defy DCCC-backed incumbents…
Thinking Critically About Social Value: The Visibility…
Across North America, the uneven impact of COVID-19 reveals the relevance of concepts first articulated by Marx and…
Calling Hypocrisy: Lessons from Authoritarians about…
The most recent Black Lives Matter protests have exposed the deep fissures within the American system, leaving…
Canada is Struggling to Keep Pace with the International…
On Thursday, Canada lost its bid to rejoin the United Nations Security Council after two decades of absence. The…