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The Americas
Defunding the Police: The Power of Resource Reallocation
When an institution is so blatantly biased against certain groups of society, small-scale reforms fail to bring…
Riot Gear: The Lie of Non-lethality
Despite a large focus of the movement specifically being the condemnation of police violence, US law enforcement in…
From Tokenism to Direct Action: What First Nations are…
While the process of acknowledgement is essential for reparation, Indigenous leaders are now urging Canada to move…
The ‘AOC Effect’: Ushering in a New…
In a country currently swept by progressive social movements, can grassroots candidates defy DCCC-backed incumbents…
Thinking Critically About Social Value: The Visibility…
Across North America, the uneven impact of COVID-19 reveals the relevance of concepts first articulated by Marx and…
Calling Hypocrisy: Lessons from Authoritarians about…
The most recent Black Lives Matter protests have exposed the deep fissures within the American system, leaving…
Canada is Struggling to Keep Pace with the International…
On Thursday, Canada lost its bid to rejoin the United Nations Security Council after two decades of absence. The…
COVID-19 Long-term Care: Calls for Reform
"For families and advocates, the report came as no surprise, with many viewing the devastation caused by COVID-19…
Days in the Arctic: A Changed Way of Life
The quiet isolation of the Arctic is disappearing, leaving in its place social progressions and new economic…
Mon pays, ce n’est pas mon pays : l’exclusion des…
Ce ne sont pas tous nos compatriotes qui ont aujourd'hui le cœur à la fête: dur de célébrer, lorsqu'on fait tous…
Lettre à mon Québec antiraciste
Les Québécois ne sont pas plus racistes que le reste des Canadiens, mais ils semblent cependant bien moins enclins…
Cher Hubert Aquin, les Patriotes n’ont pas fait…
En 1965, en plein cœur de la Révolution tranquille et d’une nouvelle vague d’émancipation nationaliste, le célèbre…