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The Americas
Ces femmes qui ont ouvert la voie
Certes, les Thérèse Casgrain, Marie-Claire Kirkland et Pauline Marois d’aujourd’hui ont du pain sur la planche,…
French Immersion: A Lone Reed in the Waters of…
Although French language and history are essential aspects of Canadian history, its prominence in our culture wanes…
Liste de films et de livres québécois
Certains titres vous dirigeront vers des pages où visionner ces films gratuitement, la plupart seulement pour…
COVID-19 is Worsening Food Insecurity in Nunavut
Communities in Nunavut have suffered food insecurity disproportionately to the rest of Canada for decades as a…
Canadian-American Relations On Ice: Bilateralism Through…
The impact of COVID-19 on Canadian-American relations is incredibly complex. However, we can look to the National…
The Return of Anonymous and the Future of Online…
Anonymous, the "hacktivist" collective prominent in the 2010s, has reemerged in the wake of the protests against…
Underpaid Fighting Championship? The Uphill Battle for a…
The principal debate in the labor politics of the UFC is whether fighters are independent contractors, which would…
The CAQ and COVID-19: Opportunistic Attitudes Towards…
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on and Quebec continues to rely on immigrants to do critical work in hospitals…
Location, Location, Location: How CBC Isn’t Helping With…
While some provinces and regions have been recovering faster than others, a deficiency of relevant and…
Reviewing European Collective Security on the 75th…
On the 100th anniversary of the League of Nations founding and 75th anniversary of VE Day, it is worth reflecting…
Democracy Post-Pandemic: Big Tech’s Growing Hold…
For many North American politicians, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic calls to envision a frictionless, digitalized…
The Effects of Vote-By-Mail on 2020 Democratic Campaigns
If Democrats wish to unseat Donald Trump in 2020, they will not only have to defend vote-by-mail but also use this…