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The Americas
How COVID-19 Is Endangering Press Freedom Around The…
As COVID-19 spreads around the world, so do threats to freedom of the press. Although these are particularly…
Part 1: The Digital Wild West
Although the lack of stringent regulation has allowed innovation to run rampant, unregulated use of advanced…
The Price War and the Pandemic: Why the Oil Market is in…
It is obvious that the war triggered will be harmful in the long run; it might, in fact, permanently disrupt…
An Immigration System Worthy of WWII: How a Nation Built…
As of today, more than 1,500 cases of separated families remain, with many dating back to 2017, meaning they have…
Colombian Exceptionalism: The Unusual Absence of a “Left…
We all know about the doctrine of “American exceptionalism”—that the United States has been uniquely molded by the…
Élections israéliennes : le réveil des minorités?
Pour la première fois, des minorités traditionnellement exclues des élections en Israël telles que les Arabes et…
The Ongoing Struggle for National Accountability in…
Even though the days of Augusto Pinochet and Manuel Antonio Noriega’s totalitarian regimes have come to a close,…
L’Amérique Latine à l’épreuve des féminicides, une…
La violence envers les femmes s’est encore accrue au Mexique ces dernières années, elle a été multipliée par 2,38…
“I Like to Obey the Law”: Trump and…
After originally directing US forces to withdraw from Syria, Trump changed course and instructed US forces to…
Dig Deeper: Basic Income
In this episode of Dig Deeper, host Ashwin Nair looks at the Basic Income debate in two countries: India and…
Conservative Leadership Race Points to Systemic Barriers…
Of the eight hopefuls, both female candidates have so far struggled to be taken seriously, pointing to barriers…
Jusqu’où la Charte québécoise protège-t-elle nos…
La Charte québécoise saura-t-elle se protéger contre elle-même?