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The Americas
From Indigenous Icon to Political Exile: The Downfall of…
Whether Bolivia’s transition to a new, democratically-elected government will go smoothly is still uncertain. What…
A Scheer Lack of Leadership: The 2019 Election Dud and…
As the party's convention in April quickly approaches, it is unclear whether Scheer will have the same luck in…
Twitter Toxicity: The Dangers of Mixing the Presidency…
For the average citizen, Twitter is an excellent place to fire off irreverent thoughts; Trump is not the average…
Stealing the City
What do Manhattan's millionaire elite and subway fare-jumpers have in common? Both are stealing from the city.…
How America’s Failing Electoral System Will Shape the…
For years now, deliberate attempts to discourage people from voting, particularly from the Republican Party, as…
Understanding America’s Racial Healthcare Crisis
On October 24th, a study examining racial bias in a popular public health algorithm was published in Science. The…
Chilean and Haitian Protests: The Impact of Nationalism…
For countries like Chile and Haïti, nationalism has encouraged collective solidarity and has lead people to work…
Evo Morales, le Roi Déchu
Un indigène de Potosi venu aider les rescapés témoigne: "Nous n'avons jamais été derrière Evo Morales car nous…
L’Argentine et l’éternel retour du péronisme
L’élection d’Alberto Fernandez annonce le retour du péronisme en Argentine, qui a gouverné le pays 24 ans sur les…
British Columbia’s Declining Forestry Industry is…
The B.C. forestry industry was once proof that natural resource-based industries can turn a profit and serve to…
Le Québec devrait-il décriminaliser toutes les drogues?
Les nouvelles restrictions sur l'accès au cannabis au Québec feront grimper le chiffre d'affaires du marché noir.…
Républicains et Démocrates ou la fracture…
Donald Trump a annoncé sa décision de quitter formellement les accords de Paris. Mais le départ concret ne pourra…