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The Americas
Can We Be Against the Pipeline and For the Liberals?
On June 17th, the House of Commons voted to affirm that we are in a national climate emergency. It passed 186 to…
Québec: pénurie de main d’oeuvre, la solution outre…
Le Québec trône au sommet des provinces en déficit de travailleurs avec actuellement 120 000 postes vacants. Pour…
Brazil’s Chaotic Spectacle
While the Worker's Party under Lula was able to bring together an impressive coalition who all shared a common goal…
Laïcité au Québec: un débat enflammé
En raison de la diversité des croyances et des traditions, la liberté religieuse est l'une des libertés les plus…
Earth Week is for Activists
Moreover, the future costs associated with climate change will unquestionably fall upon today’s young generations.…
Le gel des prix en Argentine sonnera-t-il la fin du…
L’Argentine vit une crise sans précédent. Son taux d’inflation a augmenté de 48% en 2018. 32% des argentins vivent…
Colombie : le défi de la réintégration des FARC
Après plus d’un demi-siècle de conflit qui a coûté la vie à plus de 260 000 personnes, et à l’issue duquel 60 000…
A Cattle Rancher, an Engineer, and a Billionaire Walk…
Caught between two great superpowers, President-elect Cortizo will soon be faced with some difficult conditions. In…
Is Canada Falling Behind When it Comes to Ethical AI?
The European Union recently unveiled a set of guidelines aimed at the ethical regulation of artificial intelligence…
Social Media Censorship on the Rise in the U.S. and…
Following Facebook's announcement that it would crack down on "dangerous" users and content, the debate surrounding…
The Forgotten Territory
Bringing up Nunavut in conversation often elicits one common reaction—usually something along the lines of "sorry…
The Catholic Case for Andrew Yang
Yang’s campaign is noteworthy for Catholics. The more I researched his campaign, the more I noticed curious aspects…