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The Americas
The Senate Rules are Broken: Why don’t Democrats…
The minutiae of Senate procedure is rarely a key platform for presidential candidates. Generally, those running for…
The Frozen Frontier: Climate Change Attracting Global…
The trajectory of events around the North Pole may be uncertain but with market forces and geopolitical strategy at…
America’s Democracy Problem
Mr. Trump and his campaign team may well have committed crimes on their way to the West Wing, and they should be…
Not a Curse, Just Bad Economic Policy
The recent escalation of Venezuela’s political and economic crisis has sparked vibrant discussion on the origins of…
Canada’s Unique Private Sponsorship Program for…
The past 40 years have seen other refugee crises come and go in many other countries, but the way in which Canada…
Review Radio: The Crisis in Venezuela
On today's episode of Review Radio, Côme Cabrère dives into the growing crisis in Venezuela with the support of two…
The Cycles of the Women’s Wave
Similarly to the Anita Hill hearings, in the midterm elections to follow, a record number of women were elected to…
Medellín rayonne d’espoir : le cas de la Comuna 13
En se promenant dans les rues du Poblado, quartier huppé de Medellín où se croisent touristes branchés et hommes…
Venezuela through the Eyes of the Global North
Unfortunately, both the right and the left are blinded by their own ideological agenda when making assertions and…
Crying Wolf on Venezuela: The False US Coup Narrative
There have been debates about the ethics of intervention and power and about the legality of hypothetical US…
Manifestations en Haïti: le symbole d’un peuple…
Le 7 février dernier, de violentes manifestations ont éclaté dans les rues de Port-au-Prince et dans d’autres…
Affaire SNC-Lavalin : tempête dans un verre d’eau…
«L’affaire SNC-Lavalin a pris une énorme ampleur durant le dernier mois. Bien qu’il soit possible que Trudeau et…