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The Americas
A Picture Worth a Thousand Words: The Politics Behind…
Historically, the State of the Union has aimed to address US voters and foreign interests to detail the past year's…
InSite Vancouver: A Road to Recovery or Back Down the…
It is clear that the problems, and the drugs that have caused it, will not just fade away. The time for alienating…
An Uncalculated Risk: Nepal Weighs in on Venezuela
The ongoing political crisis in Venezuela, due largely to the debate surrounding the country's rightful president,…
Why I’m Worried About the Democratic Party
As the Democratic party seeks to retake the Presidency and Congress in 2020 and effect change on Capitol Hill, it…
Economic Populists Don’t Have the Answers
Market capitalism and shady elites are not destroying the American family. Uncertainty about the future, a purely…
“Stop Doing Things Badly”: Los Angeles Teachers Face Off…
Amid political efforts to charterize public education, students and teachers in LA are deprived of basic resources…
Our Fascination with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
At only 29, and with only a few months in office, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has already made herself one of the most…
Huawei: Bien Plus Qu’Une Simple Controverse
Récemment, la multinationale chinoise Huawei a été impliquée dans une série d’affaires internationales ponctuée de…
Controlling Truth: Information, Technology, and Politics
It foreshadows an unprecedented epidemic of (mis)information, one which may change the media—and how we interact…
A Conversation Derailed: The Democratic Party’s…
"The discussion about immigration has become an avenue to talk about racism and the conversational arena has…
Le Gazoduc Coastal GasLink Face Aux Populations…
Le projet de gazoduc Coastal GasLink, ayant pour but de relier Dawson Creek à Kitimat sur la côte de la…
L’Hydre Politique Du Venezuela: Combien De Têtes Pour…
Les débuts 2019 sont rudes pour le Venezuela, qui se retrouve en plein chaos politique, résultat d’une interminable…