Browsing Category
The Americas
From Assimilation to Acceptance
“Where are you from?”
Growing up and looking around me, this seemed to be a simple question for most.…
The End of an Era: Peace with the Taliban?
The tentative agreement between the Taliban and the United States shows that the neoconservative currents which…
Kamala Harris 2020: Une Perspective De Renouveau Pour…
Dans le marasme politique américain provoqué notamment par les décisions et déclarations souvent surprenantes du…
A Tribute to Former Congressman Walter Jones Jr: A Voice…
With more members like Walter Jones Jr., Congress would be a more representative, productive environment. Political…
Women for 2020: Is the Future Female?
At the time of writing, five women have formally declared that they are running for President in 2020, and one has…
David vs. Goliath: The So-Called ‘Victims’…
This does not mean we cannot be sympathetic, nor should we ignore eminent domain cases like Joe's and disregard the…
Ceçi N’est Pas Un Coup?
The crisis in Venezuela raises one of the most basic questions of Western political philosophy... Is it ok to break…
Rising levels of household debt in Canada: Causes,…
We are told to begin with an end in mind. Unfortunately, many Canadians seem to have forgotten the wise counsel…
Climate Change and Mental Health: Clear connection but…
It is clear that mental health resources need to be made accessible and inclusive urgently to deal with the direct…
Fearing the Democratic Socialist
Soon after newcomer representative for the state of New York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was sworn to the 116th…
Liberalism’s Limitations: On Feminism and Class
Therefore, put bluntly, a significant problem of liberal feminism’s approach lies in its lack of class analysis. …
Is Canada Democratic Enough?
If we were to look into the issues that Canadian voters, particularly Indigenous voters, experience when accessing…