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The Americas
Reality Check: Alternative Energy is Not a ‘Magic…
Renewable energy is the name of the game in today’s global environment, as political, business and scientific…
Review’s Radio: Discussing Wars on Drugs and the…
Almost five decades after Nixon infamously declared drug abuse as "public enemy number one" in the United States,…
Nicaragua: No More Time for Pitiful Updates
Located in the picturesque Central American isthmus, the Republic of Nicaragua rests upon a land with the same…
Nicaragua’s Voice
"This is a bitter tragedy, to see how the struggle against a dictatorship in the 70's brought with it the germ of…
The Rise of the U.S. Moderate
When U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy abruptly announced his retirement on June 27th, all of Washington…
Red Island-The Republicans of Brooklyn, New York
In recent history, partisan voting patterns in the United States have become remarkably stratified by community…
The Democratic Bellwether-in Kansas?
Each of the 435 US House districts contested in November has its own geographic, cultural, and political quirks. It…
Why Worry About a National Identity?” Why Pluralism and…
In a recent Macleans piece Scott Gilmore writes passionately and rigorously about “why Canada is not a country.”…
The Disastrous Effects of Donald Trump’s Tariffs
When the United States rose to international prominence in the 20th century, its championing of global markets …
The Problems with Teaching U.S. Culture: My Experiences…
Globalization is often understood in economic and political terms, where success is a measure of international…
The Nearsightedness Of The Gun Debate’s Slippery Slope
Nearly two decades after the watershed event that was the Columbine High School massacre, school shootings…
America’s Black Mothers and Babies Are in Danger
In her recent article for New York Times Magazine, writer Linda Villarosa details many disturbing revelations about…