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The Americas
Sharp Edges of a Broken Glass Ceiling: Women in…
Both cultural barriers and structural gender discriminative policies are interwoven in a way that systemically…
UChicago Trauma Relief
The new year is bringing much needed medical relief to Chicago’s South Side. At the end of 2017, the University of…
How Hunger Breeds Hatred: Venezuela’s Shortage…
"They're hunting! The people are hungry" is the cry heard from a jarring video posted by Venezuelan congressman…
Central America’s Second Coming of the…
There is unrest in Honduras. As the electoral commission declared the incumbent Juan Orlando Hernandez as President…
It’s Time to End the State Sponsors of Terrorism…
Since 1979, the United States State Department has kept a list of what it calls “state sponsors of terrorism.”…
Too Big To Fail: What Next For US-Pakistani Relations?
2018 started on the worst possible note for US-Pakistani relations. Donald Trump’s inaugural tweet accused…
Looking Ahead: America’s Role in the UN
Since Donald Trump’s inauguration at the start of this year, America’s foreign policy has experienced a…
Travel Woes: High-Profile Individuals and Denied Entry…
One might think international travel would be a benefit of achieving some degree of celebrity status. However, the…
An Assault on the State Department
Donald Trump's State Department has been one of controversy and bipartisan criticism. Beginning with the surprise…
Fighting Climate Change with Seaweed: The Kelp is Always…
The Need for Seaweed
Seaweed has for centuries been a staple of human diets all over the world, bringing rich…
Let Them Eat Cake?: Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado…
On December 5th, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments for Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado…
Environmental Regression in 2017: What Needs to Change
Have we reached the point where we can do nothing to stop climate change? In November 2017, over 15 000 scientists…