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The Americas
Cis-terhood: Intersectionality in the Women’s…
“You’re going to the Women’s March too?” The U.S. Border agent sneered, inspecting the “male” identification on…
Evo Morales: The Quintessential Latin American Leader
Controversy regarding the legitimacy and strength of the presidency of Bolivia soared when a resignation letter…
Chelsea Manning: At the Intersection of Security, Civil…
While the Trump administration has seen many substantive executive decisions being made within his first few days…
Repealing Obamacare: Have They Thought it Through?
Ahead of the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act on March 23rd, House Democratic Leaders held a press…
Gender Equality and the Economy
In the United States’s last election cycle, the world came close to the most powerful person on Earth being a…
Wet Foot, Dry Foot: Obama’s Race to U.S. – Cuban…
After 2 years of repairing Cold War wounds between the United States and Cuba, Obama announced the end of the…
Julius Grey on Inequality
MIR is pleased to present the next video in our…
Kevin O’Leary: A Shark in Conservative Waters
Business barbarian by day, Mr. Wonderful by night. If you didn’t think Kevin O’Leary had stocks in Canadian…
I am Woman, Hear Me March
"The next 1,459 days of the Trump administration will be 1,459 days of resistance: Resistance on the ground,…
Breaking the Cycle of the Chicago Police Department
In the summer of 2016, I worked as an embedded journalist for Mikva Challenge, a Chicago-based non-profit. The…
An Open Letter to Anyone that is Afraid
As I witnessed Donald Trump's inauguration, I struggled to find a silver lining that made me feel the slightest bit…
Reconciliation and the Dirty War in Argentina: The…
The Specialized Agency known as the National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons can be described in 5…