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United States
Safe Injection and Legal Strife: Another Philadelphia…
Americans everywhere are divided about the establishment of safe injection sites in their neighbourhoods. However,…
Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan: A Gap Between Theory…
How the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan disproves the prediction made by the international committee and shows…
Amazon in Tijuana: A Cause for Concern?
Many have interpreted the photos as a prime example of the unequally borne consequences of excess consumerism and…
Les États-Unis de retour : fausse bonne nouvelle ?
La démocratie américaine va de mal en pis, et l’arrivée de Joe Biden au pouvoir n’y changera rien: seule une…
MIR Meets: David Shor
Host Blaise Brosnan sits down with David Shor, the head of Data Science at Blue Rose Research. They discuss issue…
Alliance AUKUS: coup fatal ou prise de conscience…
La France, décrite pourtant comme une alliée « vitale » des États-Unis dans la région, a été délibérément exclue du…
MIR Responds: Matthew Farrell on the US’s College…
MIR Responds is our new series where MIR's podcasters will respond to writers about their articles. We may agree…
Exxon, Investors, and the Fight Against Climate Change
With oil companies slow to change, investor activism may be an unexpected saviour in the fight against rising…
Yes, Cuba Is Being Blockaded
Protests in Cuba have drawn attention to the island's struggling economy, leading many to condemn the Cuban…
Parts Known: Anthony Bourdain, US Ambassador to the…
Anthony Bourdain's authentic storytelling sparked aspirations for adventure and cultural appreciation in a way no…
Casualties of the Forever War: How the Taliban Is…
With US troops gradually leaving throughout the summer, the Taliban has been expectedly reclaiming territory in…
Universal University: How College Education Can Be…
It may be difficult to create a free tuition system in the United States, where elite private institutions like the…