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United States
Drug Decriminalization in America: A Solution to Mass…
The United States continues to face a variety of critical issues – such as racism and opioid abuse – that plague a…
The Changing Landscape of Hollywood
TV continues to prove that its episodic narrative format can compete with traditional cinema and thrive with the…
Mask Hysteria: The Delta Variant and Vaccine Hesitancy…
The Delta variant is a new strain of the SARS-COV-2 virus that has come to infamy through its spread throughout the…
MIR Meets: Matt Continetti
Host Andrew Xu sits down with Matt Continetti, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and…
How US Expansionism Gave Us MVP Nikola Jokić
The NBA’s increasing international popularity - and its effects on American basketball players - presents an…
“Opportunity, Innovation, Choice”: How the US Government…
The advent of anti-monopoly legislation is a stark reminder of how the US government was caught sleeping at the…
Vaccine Incentives in the United States: An Ethical…
When looking more closely at vaccine incentive programs, it becomes apparent that they pose significant ethical…
Follow the Leader: Has Trump’s Populist Rhetoric…
Despite maintaining her father’s right-wing politics, Keiko Fujimori’s response to electoral loss draws more from…
China-US Anchorage Summit: A Bitter Start for the New…
Though it is nominally different, the Biden administration has basically maintained most of Trump’s China policies.…
Computers and Crops: The Agricultural Aspirations of Big…
Humans have been farming for millennia. Indeed, the process of food growth allowed us to build civilizations,…
Cruel, Unusual, and Costly: The Death Penalty’s…
The death penalty has withstood shifting international human rights norms and evolving public opinions at the…
Can Andrew Yang Become the Next Mayor of New York City?
A little over two months out from the New York City mayoral primary, previous presidential hopeful Andrew Yang is…