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United States
Trump’s Refusal To Respect Election Results Is a…
If Trump loses the election in November, what follows may put America’s democratic safeguards to the test. Trump’s…
A Court Divided: The Fallout of RBG’s Death
At a time when civil unrest and political division are skyrocketing in the United States, the death of Justice Ruth…
Droits fondamentaux remis en question aux États-Unis
« Obnubilé par le démantèlement de tout ce qu’avait entrepris son prédécesseur, et notamment du programme…
How Data Helped Big Tech Monopolize Modernity
While the concentration of these platforms may be convenient for consumers, they are fatal for the once innovative…
‘Me First!’: Vaccine Nationalism and the…
The scramble to a pandemic solution poses top-down consequences. It's a dangerous playing ground for major powers’…
What Would The Federalists Have Said About COVID-19?
When COVID-19 swept across the globe, many democracies were forced to enact previously unthinkable restrictions on…
“Space Force”: What is it Good For?
In 2018, President Donald Trump announced the creation of Space Force, a new branch of the United States Armed…
Online Platforms and the First Amendment Problem
Although online platforms have existed for decades, their potentially counterproductive influence on electoral…
No Takeoff Planned
Since the beginning of the pandemic, over half of all commercial air traffic has halted, prompting countries to…
The Magnitsky Act: The Anti-Corruption Tool the U.S.…
A decade after Magnitsky’s passing and with no indication that corrupt behaviour is subsiding, this pattern is…
Opinion | Slavery Distorts Conservative Interpretations…
Staff Writer Jonah Fried argues that slavery determined much more than just the wording of the Second Amendment:…
Fair Pay, Fair Play, and the NCAA
The passage of California's Fair Pay to Play Act and the widespread adoption of similar legislation in other states…