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United States
Part 1: The Digital Wild West
Although the lack of stringent regulation has allowed innovation to run rampant, unregulated use of advanced…
The Price War and the Pandemic: Why the Oil Market is in…
It is obvious that the war triggered will be harmful in the long run; it might, in fact, permanently disrupt…
An Immigration System Worthy of WWII: How a Nation Built…
As of today, more than 1,500 cases of separated families remain, with many dating back to 2017, meaning they have…
Élections israéliennes : le réveil des minorités?
Pour la première fois, des minorités traditionnellement exclues des élections en Israël telles que les Arabes et…
“I Like to Obey the Law”: Trump and…
After originally directing US forces to withdraw from Syria, Trump changed course and instructed US forces to…
Trump’s One-Sided Middle East Peace Plan: Real Path or…
Undoubtedly, both Palestinians and Israelis must be central and equal partners in the regional peace process rather…
The Imperialist Basis for Modern Foreign Policy in the…
It is more imperative than ever to examine the seemingly benign facades of feminist ideals and the potential for…
Vers un bras de fer transatlantique ?
La 56e conférence sur la sécurité à Munich a été le théâtre de nouvelles confrontations de visions au sein du «…
This Isn’t America’s First Tango With Progressive…
Bernie’s democratic socialist platform, as well as the rising populist progressive movement, have been described by…
US Elections Podcast Series: A Slightly Less Super…
In this edition of McGill International Review’s American Elections Podcast, Amine Kanoun, Sara Parker and…
Weinstein’s Convictions: What It Means For Assault…
The walls obscuring the truth of his actions that he fought so hard to keep up have finally come crashing down.
US Elections Podcast Series: Joe “No…
In this edition of McGill International Review’s American Elections Podcast, Amine Kanoun, Alec Regino and…