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United States
The War on Carbon: Climate Security as National Security
Government is capable of quick and decisive actions, but unfortunately for the climate movement in the U.S., action…
To Impeach or Not to Impeach? Senate Republicans’…
The question is: how much political capital are Republican members of Congress who disapprove of Trump’s actions…
Op-Ed: With its Chinese Market at Stake, the NBA Chooses…
Read plainly, it may seem like this whole saga is an accidental cultural clash where Daryl Morey misunderstood a…
A Look at the Electoral College: Can America do Better?
It’s difficult to make a case for keeping the Electoral College in its current form. It’s an antiquated and…
The Fight for Abortion is Far From Over
The pro-choice movement is now on more precarious ground than ever before. By actively working to decrease freedom…
The N.R.A.: Is The Reign Finally Over?
With only the first glimpses of a quantifiable decline in the N.R.A.'s influence during the 2018 mid-term…
Trump : à propos de déstitution…
Le Président Américain aurait abusé de son pouvoir en demandant à son homologue ukrainien d’ouvrir une enquête sur…
The Opioid Crisis: A Canadian Perspective
The past of stigmatizing and marginalizing people struggling with addiction has provided nothing but a perpetuation…
Why isn’t the Trump Administration Doing Anything…
Despite the United State's moniker as "Leader of the Free World", the Trump Administration has been notoriously…
Huawei 5G: Trapped in an Olive Branch
An olive branch does not exist if one is forced to accept the offering. And in many ways, the US is forced to…
Op-Ed: Words Matter
When good people shrug off the kind of repugnance we see from the American president—when we dismiss it as the…
Social Media Censorship on the Rise in the U.S. and…
Following Facebook's announcement that it would crack down on "dangerous" users and content, the debate surrounding…