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United States
Alaskans, Abandoned
Almost every aspect of state government services will be affected in a state where citizens depend on state and…
The Fascinating Heterodoxy of Tucker Carlson
The Fox News Host doesn't seem to be going anywhere in spite of recent controversy, and it is important to analyze…
Agressions Sexuelles: Le Passe-Droit de l’Armée…
Diplômée de la Harvard’s John. F Kennedy School of Government, Martha McSally, 52 ans, cumule les exploits tant sur…
Democrats at the Dinner Table: Responding to Ilhan…
On the surface, the Ilhan Omar controversy is a struggle for religious tolerance in American politics. However,…
Afghanistan : Un Accord Improbable Entre les Américains…
Parmi les nombreux changements survenus dans les politiques étrangères des États-Unis depuis le début de…
Le Venezuela : Un pays déchiré par le bras de fer entre…
Le Venezuela, puissance pétrolière mondiale, se trouve depuis quelques années au sein d’une crise économique sans…
Why the Digital Age Needs Basic Income
A few weeks ago, I wrote a column on economic populism and attempted to describe why the dogma is surgically…
The Senate Rules are Broken: Why don’t Democrats…
The minutiae of Senate procedure is rarely a key platform for presidential candidates. Generally, those running for…
America’s Democracy Problem
Mr. Trump and his campaign team may well have committed crimes on their way to the West Wing, and they should be…
The Cycles of the Women’s Wave
Similarly to the Anita Hill hearings, in the midterm elections to follow, a record number of women were elected to…
Crying Wolf on Venezuela: The False US Coup Narrative
There have been debates about the ethics of intervention and power and about the legality of hypothetical US…
The Cold War 2.0: Reigniting the Arms Race
From the end of the Second World War to the end of the Soviet Union, the world was thrown into a seemingly…