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United States
The Death of Birthright Citizenship?
Republicans depend on fear about immigration to be at its height, and Trump has decided to spur anti-immigrant…
United States Military Spending Has Blown Through the…
This July, the Congress of the United States passed its defense budget for the 2019 federal fiscal year. The…
Polarity or Toxicity?
Ten years ago, the Late-Senator John McCain took the stage in a town-hall event as part of his 2008 Presidential…
On Pittsburgh: A Jewish Student’s Reflection
At a young age, many of us have a defining moment that alters our perspective and way of thinking. For me, this…
Retrait américain de l’accord nucléaire iranien: le…
L’accord nucléaire iranien, formellement nommé le “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” (JCPOA), est l’aboutissement…
Citizens United and the Threat to Democracy
In Citizens United, the US Supreme Court made a drastic decision that pushed the United States ever…
Red Carpet Politicians
The last four years have marked, particularly in North America, a blurring of the lines between celebrity and…
Bordering Tension: A Migrant Caravan Versus the Trump…
*For the purposes of this article the term "migrant" is meant only to convey that the individual(s) in question are…
With Friends Like China, Who Needs Enemies?
China’s increasing global and regional influence with respect to the world economy, military modernization, and…
US vs. Them: A Hidden History of Detainment Camps and…
The United States has found itself in a state of shock and horror over the Trump administration’s recent…
Op-Ed: Trump Should Have the Decency to Stay Away from…
After racist gunman Robert Bowers murdered 11 people and wounded six more at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue…
Nike and Colin Kaepernomics
Sports is one of the most meritocratic facets of our modern society where performance and team contribution, rather…