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United States
Can the Liberal Order Survive Trump?
The liberal order as we know it is crumbling. It has been for some years, even decades, but prior to Donald Trump’s…
Big Pharma: Ignoring Needs, Following Profits
The United States is home to the largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in the world and has some…
The Health Care Albatross: What the AHCA House Vote…
The American Health Care Act, the effective repeal of the Affordable Care Act (less affectionately, Obamacare), …
Alternative Methods to Counter Alternative Facts: How…
Big data is non-political. It does not sit on the right or left of any spectrum, discuss racism, anti-semitism or…
Donald Trump – One Too Many Blunders
On May 9th, President Trump fired FBI Director Comey – only the second time an FBI director has ever been fired…
Tell Us the Truth Mr. Trump
On January 21st of this year, Sean Spicer deliberately lied when discussing the audience present at President…
Navigating the Trump Administration: The Show-Womanship…
Once a vocal critic of Donald Trump and his bid for presidency, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has since emerged as a…
The Petrodollar Regime is Crumbling, but How Will the…
The global energy market is undergoing a rapid transformation in favour of unconventionally-sourced oil and…
Tsunami Watch: Blue Wave Coming?
The ingredients for a rising wave were all there. The controversial Republican president’s approval rating sat at…
Speak Loudly And Carry A Bigger Stick: The Implications…
President Trump’s missile strike on a Syrian military base in Homs Province to punish the Assad regime for its…
Enough Hand Wringing: Solutions for the Gender Imbalance…
During the Congressional debate over the July 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the United States, Suzanne…
Trump’s Attack on Government Funding of the Arts
President Trump announced his planned budget for the year 2018 to great fanfare a couple weeks ago. His cuts to the…