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United States
From British Myth to Canadian White Saviorism
The term ‘Black Loyalists,’ is a calculated label that falsely implies a positive association with the interests of…
Inflation and its Politicization: Concerning Trends on…
The politicization of inflation goes beyond debating who is best suited to lead up the Federal Reserve or the…
Cuban’s Cost Plus: Capitalism to the Rescue?
Americans pay more for prescription drugs than citizens in any other developed country. America's pharmaceutical…
War on Truth: Press Under Threat in Mexico
A recent spike in journalist murders in Mexico sheds light on a persistent issue of violence and impunity within…
Can Trustbusting Solve America’s Inflation…
Stronger antitrust legislation has the potential to decrease anticompetitive behaviour and empower oversight of…
Sustainable Agriculture: A Question of Land Use
As the world population continues to grow and resource scarcity becomes increasingly pronounced, there has never…
Review Radio: Russia, Ukraine, NATO, and the US
Host Marion-Ines Le Pape sits down with Thomas Graham, former Senior Director for Russia in the National Security…
Dune: In the Crosshairs of Representation and…
A critical and commercial success in the age of a feeble film industry bloated with recycled narratives and…
The End of an Era: Why Hollywood as We Know It Is Over
Whatever the case may be, the resounding consensus is that Hollywood as we know it is no longer functioning in the…
MIR Meets: Richard Hanania
Host Blaise Brosnan sits down with Richard Hanania, founder of the Center for the Study of Partisanship and…
MIR Meets: Freddie deBoer
Host Blaise Brosnan sits down with Substack writer and Marxist Freddie deBoer, to discuss the merits of…
Les think tanks néolibéraux : pourquoi penser ?
Une des forces du néolibéralisme est sa subtilité. Son idéologie se faufile partout, et se propage, entre autres,…