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Asia Pacific
Part 1: The Digital Wild West
Although the lack of stringent regulation has allowed innovation to run rampant, unregulated use of advanced…
The Solution to a Sinking City? Build a New One
Building a city from scratch is hard, but the task of building a sustainable city may prove to be even more…
Will “Mask Diplomacy” Be Enough for China?
While many countries have pointed fingers at China in the genesis of the outbreak, can Beijing turn this domestic…
Blackout: Journalism on Trial in the Philippines
In the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte has put journalism on trial. In this episode of Blackout, MIR Editor-in-Chief…
Pandemics Abroad: Immigration Policy and the Coronavirus…
Currently, governments in East Asia and elsewhere are still trying to determine the best course of action for…
Mask Hysteria: Pandemic (Ep.3)
In this episode, Mask Hysteria host Bilal Virji sat down with Dr Sandra Rafman, a child and developmental…
Race and Population: Japan’s Economic Timebombs
National policy and planning have taken centre stage, but are currently preoccupied with avoiding migration. This…
Fukushima: Une réintégration accélérée par les JO
Récemment, le premier ministre Shinzō Abe s’est montré sans tenue de protection à quelques dizaines de mètres de la…
Opinion | Cyclical Poverty and Class Solidarity in Bong…
Bong's cinematography is famous for condemning capitalism while portraying layers of vulnerability and…
Mask Hysteria: Containment (Ep.2)
With panic and hysteria creeping in, the economic and geopolitical consequences of the coronavirus outbreak have…
Creating Culpability: Evaluating Central and Local…
Although the state has managed to regain significant public confidence in recent years through President Xi's…
Hong Kong : une organisation anarchique
Face à une Chine affaiblie par le Coronavirus et après huit mois de manifestations virulentes dans la Région…