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Asia Pacific
How China’s economic expansionism is contributing to…
While transgressing boundaries of sovereignty in a quest for economic supremacy in the East, President Xi Jinping…
The Aftermath – The U.S-China Trade War
More than a year and a half after Donald Trump first imposed tariffs on Chinese products, there seems to be no sign…
Duterte and the South China Sea: A Carousel of…
However, despite the apparent warming of relations with China, it would appear that circumstances have prevented…
“Tout le Monde Reste en Silence”: Human…
On Sunday, October 6th, staff writer Hayah Amin attended "Vietnamplify," a conference that works to spread…
Do (or Should) Companies Value ‘Freedom’…
Apple, Blizzard, Google etc. are just a few of many American companies whose recent decisions to maintain access to…
Why Isn’t the International Community Doing More About…
The Chinese government continues to perpetuate egregious human rights abuses in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous…
La Chine face au défi environnemental
"...Malgré des résultats encore timides, la Chine semble se donner les moyens de ses ambitions écologiques. Face à…
The Aftermath: Crisis in Hong Kong
As the Hong Kong protests rage on into its 27th week, tensions with the Chinese state continue to rise. Host of The…
Op-Ed: With its Chinese Market at Stake, the NBA Chooses…
Read plainly, it may seem like this whole saga is an accidental cultural clash where Daryl Morey misunderstood a…
Demonstration Against 70 Years of Oppression by the…
On September 29th, Action Free Hong Kong Montreal 滿地可撐香港行動頁 #Freehkmtl joined hands with Tibetan and Uyghur…
Why isn’t the Trump Administration Doing Anything…
Despite the United State's moniker as "Leader of the Free World", the Trump Administration has been notoriously…
International Law is Failing the South China Sea
It is clear that international law so far has tried—and failed—to restrain Chinese advances in the South China Sea.…