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Asia Pacific
North Koreans As Clickbait: Changing the Narrative to…
There is a problem with how North Korea is portrayed in our society. The only news that makes the mainstream news…
A Year After the Umbrella Revolution: Glancing at Hong…
This time last year, Hong Kong shocked the world with yellow umbrellas, calling for a genuine universal suffrage.…
South China Sea Crisis and Intensifying US-Chinese…
The most recent talks at the 14th annual Shangri-La Dialogue, a security forum attended by governments from…
The Challenge of Enforcement: New Laws in New Lands
If you’ve read my last posts on the TPP, you will have noted that one of the things that I’ve outlined that the…
Why the TPP is Dangerous: Understanding the Consequences…
On October 5th, the final draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was agreed upon by twelve nations,…
From Washington State to Washington DC: Xi Jin Ping’s…
Xi Jinping began his seven-day US visit in Seattle on Tuesday. Historically, no state visit by a Chinese president…
“Black Monday”: What China’s Economic…
On August 24th, or what is now being referred to as China’s “Black Monday”, the Shanghai Composite Exchange…
Workers of the World Unite…But don’t disturb…
The opening words of the current version of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, adopted in 1982 at…
Behind Indian Soft Power
In less than three months, the resolution for an “International Day of Yoga” on June 21, spearheaded by India’s…
Power Over Weakness: A Pipe Dream of East Asian Union
Last Saturday in Seoul, three East Asian nations’ (Korea, China, Japan) foreign ministers agreed to hold summit…
“Comfort Women”: Japan and Neighbour Relations
70 years ago, the Pacific side of the Second World War officially ended with Japan’s surrender after the landing of…
From Farmers to Entrepreneurs: China’s “Taobao Village”
Alibaba Group's e-commerce subsidiary Taobao, or “treasure hunt” in Chinese, has become increasingly…