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Asia Pacific
Moving forward… and back again: India’s slow…
While the fight for legalization of same-sex marriage continues in most of the United States and other nations,…
South Korea’s Unhealthy Democracy: Regionalism
Even 28 years after South Korea's free presidential elections in 1987, South Korean democracy…
“On the Verge of Freedom of Expression and…
A former lawmaker of the United Progressive Party (UPP) Lee Seok Ki’s sabotage plan against the government in…
Les Maldives : le tourisme financier des extrêmes
Inutile de commencer cet article par une description paradisiaque des Maldives. Tout le monde connait ce…
Why can’t Japan join the Chinese ‘New Silk…
The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim member states. APEC seeks to promote…
Dying Dreams of Korean Unification
On July 23rd, 1953, little over three years after the Korean War was started by North Korea's surprise attack,…
Rumors of Kim Jong Un’s Disappearance –…
The month-long absence of the young Dear Leader Kim Jong Un from North Korea’s political scene left many in…
“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”
North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, holds an extreme wealth gap between the…
The Burmese Experiment
To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, Burma is quite unlike any place you know about.1 The country has a tumultuous…
Khmer Rouge Trials: The Rocky Road to Judicial…
On August 7th 2014, Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea were sentenced to life imprisonment by the Extraordinary…
Post-Coup Thailand: Searching for Political Legitimacy
On May 22nd, two days after the implementation of martial law, the world witnessed Thailand’s 12th successful…
China’s Education Woes: Part 2 – Urban China
Urban China rarely suffers from lack of funding and resources thanks to its close ties to the central government.…