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Asia Pacific
China’s Meddling in Africa in the Midst of the…
Through its heavy investment in the political, economic, and social dimensions, is China improving or damaging…
House of Cards: A Reckoning for China’s…
Plagued by bankruptcy and built on large amounts of debt, what's next for China's housing market?
How Fictional Is Squid Game?
When considering both historical and present conditions in South Korea, it becomes clear that the show is providing…
Bras de fer au sommet : nouvelle guerre froide en…
Lors de son premier discours à l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies, en septembre dernier, Joe Biden a annoncé…
Celebrities, Felons, and Cronyism: What is Wrong With…
Given the current state of elections in the country, I cannot help but ask myself: what is wrong in the…
An End-Of-War Declaration on the Korean Peninsula: Why…
South Korean President Moon Jae-in urges nations to come together to declare an end to the Korean War.
A Local Stand For a Global Cause: The Targeting of…
This report is a harsh reminder that those fighting the climate crisis bear an enormously heavy burden of trying to…
Olympic Host City Hangover: Looming Legacies of Rio 2016…
Evocations of elite sport success and patriotism veil the social and environmental destruction marring the promises…
“Squid Game” and Human Rights: The Life of a…
As a migrant worker and visible minority, Ali Abdul's boss exploits him and Korean society treats him as a…
The Banning of ‘Sissy Boys’: A Push for the…
What China's new policy on effeminate male celebrities can tell us about the CCP's push for a return to…
Alliance AUKUS: coup fatal ou prise de conscience…
La France, décrite pourtant comme une alliée « vitale » des États-Unis dans la région, a été délibérément exclue du…
Mask Hysteria: The Lab Leak Theory
Host Andrew Xu sits down once again with Umair Irfan, a science reporter who covers the pandemic at Vox. They…