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Asia Pacific
The Dirty Money of Canadian Pension Plans
While the crimes of humanity committed against the Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in China appear distant, there…
Sapporo’s Marriage Equality Ruling: A Beacon of Hope for…
In choosing to rule in favour of the plaintiffs, the Sapporo District Court is signalling that while the…
China’s Three-Child Policy Is a Threat to Working Women
Based on the increase in gender inequality following the two-child quota, gender-based workplace discrimination…
China-US Anchorage Summit: A Bitter Start for the New…
Though it is nominally different, the Biden administration has basically maintained most of Trump’s China policies.…
North Korea’s Nuclear Capabilities: An Enduring Foreign…
The United States has yet to adopt a foreign policy stance towards North Korea that has led to a lasting agreement…
Hostage Diplomacy: The Canada-China Prisoner’s…
Over two years later, the Huawei executive and the two Michaels remain stranded in ongoing legal proceedings in one…
Japan’s Nuclear Question: The Impossible…
It seems that nuclear power production, while extremely beneficial if handled properly, is nearly impossible to…
Tsai Ing-Wen’s Political Dilemma Between Beijing…
While the world is focusing on rejuvenating their economies and handling COVID-19, Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen's…
Olympic Boycotts: Counterproductive or Moral Necessity?
Increased tensions with Western countries and recent revelations about the persecution of China’s Uyghur population…
Climate Change in the Developing World: The Drowning of…
Often called the world’s fastest sinking city, Jakarta - Indonesia’s capital and most populated urban area - sinks…
Blood on the Shelves: The High Cost of Palm Oil and the…
Today's colonial resource exploitation masquerades itself in western markets as a healthy alternative to…
China and the CCP: The New “Villain” in the…
Despite facing criticism from the West since its creation in 1949, the People’s Republic of China is facing more…