Browsing Category
Eastern Europe
La Hongrie, vilain petit canard de l’Europe
La Hongrie de Viktor Orban multiplie les lois controversées et embarrasse l'Union européenne qui semble avoir un…
Poland: One Foot Out the EU’s Door
The fact that Polexit is something being discussed in the media raises the question: did Poland’s membership in the…
Covid and Climate Change: Why Is Poland Failing at Both?
Climate change is not the only crisis where the Polish government has chosen to embrace conspiracies rather than…
Bosnia: A Country Haunted by Nationalism
When I visited Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2019, I hoped to see a country that rebuilt interethnic ties. Instead, I…
How US Expansionism Gave Us MVP Nikola Jokić
The NBA’s increasing international popularity - and its effects on American basketball players - presents an…
Biden-Poutine : première épreuve de force
Une escalade des tensions aux frontières russo-ukrainiennes pourrait donner à Biden l’opportunité qu’il cherche…
Albin Kurti & Vetëvendosje: a Political Earthquake…
On February 14, Kosovo will elect a new government. Vetëvendosje, a nationalist and anti-establishment party, is…
The End of the Djukanović Rule in Montenegro
Milo Djukanović had ruled Montenegro for three decades when his party lost elections for the first time in August…
Democracy in 2020: A Tale of Four Elections
Evidently, the notion of liberal democracy faced a multitude of challenges throughout 2020, as demonstrated by the…
L’avortement en Pologne et mouvance conservatrice :…
Les manifestations qui ont lieu depuis plusieurs semaines s’attaquent à la fois à la politique d’avortement du…
Could Banning Nuclear Weapons Threaten World Peace?
"On October 24th, 2020, the international community reached a landmark treaty which triumphs over all predecessors…
Revolution in the Making: Belarus’ Ongoing Protest…
"This revolution refuses to be characterized by the aims of Western powers, or by its comparison with the…