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European Union
Three Indecisive Brexit Days in March
On March 29th, the United Kingdom (UK) is supposed to leave the European Union (EU) according to the two-year…
Margrethe Vestager: la nouvelle dame de fer ?
Le 6 février dernier, Bruxelles a officiellement rejeté le projet de fusion très attendu de deux géants…
L’accord De Prespes, Une Décision à Contre-Courant De La…
Le 25 janvier dernier, le parlement grec d’Alexis Tsipras ratifiait l’accord de Prespes, rebaptisant de facto la…
Irish Reunification and the Irony Behind it
The inflammatory Irish backstop needs to be understood within the wider context of Anglo-Irish relations going back…
Brexit Negotiations & Re-Negotiations
Understanding the UK's political quagmire with a ticking time bomb in the form of Brexit. Why hasn't a deal been…
Brexit : La Menace d’Un Divorce Sans Accord
Si personne ne peut encore l’affirmer avec certitude, un accord sur les conditions de divorce du Royaume-Uni avec…
Ieri, oggi, domani: The Unceasing Battle against Racism…
The Italian people urgently needs to revisit some key passages in its history in order to understand, and combat,…
Airbus : enquêtes sur des combines de haut vol
Bourse de Paris, le 20 décembre à midi : le titre du groupe industriel plonge de 8.31%. Moins d’une heure plus tôt,…
Why, Orbán, Why?
Tightened control of academic life and of educational ideologies and practices goes against the theoretical…
Right to be Free from Rape: The Importance of…
At the June 2016 San Fermin bull-running festival, a girl was found by a couple crying on a bench in the fetal…
What Would a Post-Merkel EU Look Like?
November 2005, Germany. The Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) has won the federal elections, in a…
Expulsion of Roma in Italy and a Quiet Response from the…
"Today, the Roma lack political clout as socially isolated members of society who are purposely ignored by most…