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Auf Wiedersehen, Mutti
On September 26, 2021, the Germans will take to the polls to elect their next Chancellor. Whoever wins the election…
Vaccine Hesitancy to Hypocrisy: How the EU Shot itself…
As AstraZeneca doses sit un-administered, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen seized opportunity to…
Nord Stream 2 and Europe’s Anti-Pipe Dream
In this neighbourhood dispute, the United States has the best chance at stopping the pipeline's construction, a…
Beyond the QAnon Shaman: The Disturbing Relationship…
Both right-wing ideologues and members of New Age groups believe that modern society has lost its way. In times of…
Could Banning Nuclear Weapons Threaten World Peace?
"On October 24th, 2020, the international community reached a landmark treaty which triumphs over all predecessors…
Free-Riders in NATO? Trump’s Rhetoric In US-German…
While the concept of collective defence is still relevant, Germany and the US's relationship involves much more…
The Culpability of Hjalmar Schacht: Part 2
"When Hjalmar Schacht was appointed the Minister of Economics by Hitler in 1934, he set off to tighten his grip on…
The Culpability of Hjalmar Schacht: Part 1
“But Schacht, don't you realise how fond I am of you?" This affectionate statement came from the most unlikely…
Les espoirs perdus de la réunification, 30 ans après la…
Une génération s'est écoulée depuis le jour de la chute du Mur de Berlin, le 9 novembre 1989, mais il semble que…
Inquiétante montée de la violence d’extrême droite en…
L'attentat antisémite du 9 octobre dernier à Halle-sur-Saale incarne la montée de la violence d'extrême droite en…
Are Europe’s Niche Parties Serious?
While Die Partei’s antics might elicit chuckles in Brussels, the rise of small niche parties isn’t just a laughing…
Margrethe Vestager: la nouvelle dame de fer ?
Le 6 février dernier, Bruxelles a officiellement rejeté le projet de fusion très attendu de deux géants…