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Switzerland’s Very Own Burka Ban : Europe’s ‘Neutral’…
On March 7th, Switzerland passed a referendum on banning face coverings in public with a margin of 51.2% (in…
How the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Took Centre Stage at…
For football fans across the world, the game's appropriation as a foreign policy tool is controversial. Although…
Russian Action and Ukrainian Consequence:…
As the shadow of another Russian invasion looms over eastern Ukraine, Ukraine’s everyman President Volodymyr…
Linguistic Decolonization? Exploring Kazakhstan’s Switch…
Kazakhstan, along with several other countries in the region, will continue to engage in a political tango with…
Génération COVID-19 : une jeunesse isolée mais solidaire
« Monsieur le Président, à dix neuf ans, j’ai l’impression d'être morte », pouvait-on lire dans la lettre ouverte…
Biden-Poutine : première épreuve de force
Une escalade des tensions aux frontières russo-ukrainiennes pourrait donner à Biden l’opportunité qu’il cherche…
Women’s Hard-Won Rights Are Under Legislative Threat
Despite a few exceptions, 2021 to date has been a year of legislative backlash to women’s rights, repealing many of…
Haves and Have Nots: Vaccine Passports Come with…
Vaccine passports might be inevitable, but governments and corporations should be wary of them fostering massive…
L’affaire Sarkozy : l’informelle immunité judiciaire des…
Entamée en 2012 l'enquête a dû surmonter de nombreux défis et obstacles de procédure avant de faire comparaître la…
Vaccine Hesitancy to Hypocrisy: How the EU Shot itself…
As AstraZeneca doses sit un-administered, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen seized opportunity to…
De La Liberté
« La liberté nous la chérissons; l’égalité, nous la garantissons; la fraternité, nous la vivons avec intensité.…
Alexei Navalny: Vladimir Putin’s Biggest Fear
The idea of “Putin for life” is not an exaggeration when describing Russia’s contemporary political situation. The…