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L’avortement en Pologne et mouvance conservatrice :…
Les manifestations qui ont lieu depuis plusieurs semaines s’attaquent à la fois à la politique d’avortement du…
Voluntourism: You Should Not Be Here
"Voluntourism" is a form of international volunteering that has flourished since the 1990s. It is promoted by…
How the Far-Right Captured the Young Vote in Poland
While the liberal economic policy and conservative ideological push of the PiS would not intuitively mesh for…
Andrej Plenković: Moderate Politics in Croatia
While neighbouring countries are being usurped by right-wing populists such as Janša, Orbán and Vučić, incumbent…
New Caledonia: Fighting for Independence in 2020
New Caledonia exemplifies the complex and violent path towards independence, illustrating the reality of…
What Islamic Extremism Says About French Secularism and…
France's recent terrorist attacks highlight the controversy surrounding freedom of expression and freedom of…
A Tale of Race in Two Nations
Despite systemic racism being a considerable issue in both France and the US, the dialogue around the subject of…
The Case for a Nordic Federation
"The deep historical, linguistic, and cultural roots shared in the Nordic region, coupled with the countries…
The Sino-Vatican Agreement Renewal: Pro Deo or Pro…
The renewal of the 2018 clerical agreement between the Holy See and China raises numerous questions about the…
Could Banning Nuclear Weapons Threaten World Peace?
"On October 24th, 2020, the international community reached a landmark treaty which triumphs over all predecessors…
The Return of Janša: Can Illiberal Democracy Triumph in…
Janša, who has remained a central figure in Slovenian politics since the 1980s, is an unabashed right-wing populist…
Les valeurs républicaines : toujours ancrées ou en…
Si l’assassinat de Samuel Paty et l’attentat de Nice quelques semaines plus tard sont unanimement condamnés, ces…