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Reforming European Elections: Transnational Lists
To move beyond national political debates and national political parties, transnational lists have been suggested…
The Modern Tax Haven
The stage has been set: the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the working population upon…
Political Realignment in Ireland?
At the general election to the Dáil Éireann on February 4, 2020, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael were overtaken in the…
On The Importance of a Reformed and Updated UK Gender…
Lasting over five years, on average, the current legal gender reassignment process is long, overly-intrusive, and…
Free-Riders in NATO? Trump’s Rhetoric In US-German…
While the concept of collective defence is still relevant, Germany and the US's relationship involves much more…
Norway’s Lessons for Canada: Justice System Reform
In 1938, a government-mandated investigation of the Canadian criminal justice system found the need for massive…
Le cinéma en France : retour sur les conséquences de la…
Joshua Poggianti, contributeur au MIR, revient sur le retour en salle pour le cinéma français et les implications…
Restoration and Retribution: A Tale of Two Criminal…
In light of George Floyd’s death and the resurgence of Black Lives Matter protests across the United States and the…
L’histoire coloniale française : un passé oublié…
Berceau du siècle des Lumières et de l’universalisme, la France se targue d’être le pays des droits de l’Homme. Que…
Quand les policiers ne semblent plus nous protéger
« La police française est-elle excessivement violente? Est-elle raciste? » Alors que les manifestations se…
Belgium’s long wait for a Government
The 2019 Belgium federal election laid bare the deep divisions in Belgium’s politics, and as a result the country…
Days in the Arctic: A Changed Way of Life
The quiet isolation of the Arctic is disappearing, leaving in its place social progressions and new economic…