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‘Me First!’: Vaccine Nationalism and the…
The scramble to a pandemic solution poses top-down consequences. It's a dangerous playing ground for major powers’…
Russian Expansionism Continues in Recent…
"Russian neo-imperialism operates in a way that can be subtle and seemingly benign at first. This is why one must…
Tensions franco-turques en Méditerranée : signal…
Les différends entre ces deux membres viennent alimenter les critiques toujours plus véhémentes qui accablent…
“Space Force”: What is it Good For?
In 2018, President Donald Trump announced the creation of Space Force, a new branch of the United States Armed…
Mark Rutte Or: The Unexpected Virtue of a Villain
Mark Rutte was showered in international criticism when he opposed other leaders' call for mutualized debt to…
Saint Helena: Containing COVID-19 at the price of…
Despite significant challenges, Saint Helena has been one of the few places able to successfully prevent COVID-19…
No Takeoff Planned
Since the beginning of the pandemic, over half of all commercial air traffic has halted, prompting countries to…
The Burning North: A Warning for Humanity
The entire world bears the consequences of the largest emitters’ actions. Compared to the future effects of climate…
The Magnitsky Act: The Anti-Corruption Tool the U.S.…
A decade after Magnitsky’s passing and with no indication that corrupt behaviour is subsiding, this pattern is…
Reforming European Elections: Transnational Lists
To move beyond national political debates and national political parties, transnational lists have been suggested…
The Modern Tax Haven
The stage has been set: the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the working population upon…
Political Realignment in Ireland?
At the general election to the Dáil Éireann on February 4, 2020, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael were overtaken in the…