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Le cinéma en France : retour sur les conséquences de la…
Joshua Poggianti, contributeur au MIR, revient sur le retour en salle pour le cinéma français et les implications…
Restoration and Retribution: A Tale of Two Criminal…
In light of George Floyd’s death and the resurgence of Black Lives Matter protests across the United States and the…
L’histoire coloniale française : un passé oublié…
Berceau du siècle des Lumières et de l’universalisme, la France se targue d’être le pays des droits de l’Homme. Que…
Quand les policiers ne semblent plus nous protéger
« La police française est-elle excessivement violente? Est-elle raciste? » Alors que les manifestations se…
Belgium’s long wait for a Government
The 2019 Belgium federal election laid bare the deep divisions in Belgium’s politics, and as a result the country…
Days in the Arctic: A Changed Way of Life
The quiet isolation of the Arctic is disappearing, leaving in its place social progressions and new economic…
Hungary’s COVID-19 Emergency Bill Opens a Legal and…
Under Orbán’s leadership, this crisis has translated into an unexpected opportunity to further cement political…
Right to Vote and Public Health: Elections in the Time…
While elections face significant challenges during the time of COVID-19, it is of vital importance that they remain…
Violences policières et racisme en France : les sujets…
Si le cas des États-Unis est incomparable, il n’empêche que la République française possède sa propre histoire du…
Reviewing European Collective Security on the 75th…
On the 100th anniversary of the League of Nations founding and 75th anniversary of VE Day, it is worth reflecting…
Another Goal in Mind: “Sportswashing” in…
Governments have always attempted to repurpose public sporting enthusiasm for their political gain. Sportswashing…
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot? Anglo-Scottish…
If the United Kingdom is to prosper and indeed be preserved, decisive action must be taken to create a new form of…