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On The Importance of a Reformed and Updated UK Gender…
Lasting over five years, on average, the current legal gender reassignment process is long, overly-intrusive, and…
Free-Riders in NATO? Trump’s Rhetoric In US-German…
While the concept of collective defence is still relevant, Germany and the US's relationship involves much more…
Norway’s Lessons for Canada: Justice System Reform
In 1938, a government-mandated investigation of the Canadian criminal justice system found the need for massive…
Le cinéma en France : retour sur les conséquences de la…
Joshua Poggianti, contributeur au MIR, revient sur le retour en salle pour le cinéma français et les implications…
Restoration and Retribution: A Tale of Two Criminal…
In light of George Floyd’s death and the resurgence of Black Lives Matter protests across the United States and the…
L’histoire coloniale française : un passé oublié…
Berceau du siècle des Lumières et de l’universalisme, la France se targue d’être le pays des droits de l’Homme. Que…
Quand les policiers ne semblent plus nous protéger
« La police française est-elle excessivement violente? Est-elle raciste? » Alors que les manifestations se…
Belgium’s long wait for a Government
The 2019 Belgium federal election laid bare the deep divisions in Belgium’s politics, and as a result the country…
Days in the Arctic: A Changed Way of Life
The quiet isolation of the Arctic is disappearing, leaving in its place social progressions and new economic…
Hungary’s COVID-19 Emergency Bill Opens a Legal and…
Under Orbán’s leadership, this crisis has translated into an unexpected opportunity to further cement political…
Right to Vote and Public Health: Elections in the Time…
While elections face significant challenges during the time of COVID-19, it is of vital importance that they remain…
Violences policières et racisme en France : les sujets…
Si le cas des États-Unis est incomparable, il n’empêche que la République française possède sa propre histoire du…