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Reviewing European Collective Security on the 75th…
On the 100th anniversary of the League of Nations founding and 75th anniversary of VE Day, it is worth reflecting…
Another Goal in Mind: “Sportswashing” in…
Governments have always attempted to repurpose public sporting enthusiasm for their political gain. Sportswashing…
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot? Anglo-Scottish…
If the United Kingdom is to prosper and indeed be preserved, decisive action must be taken to create a new form of…
How COVID-19 Is Endangering Press Freedom Around The…
As COVID-19 spreads around the world, so do threats to freedom of the press. Although these are particularly…
Justice française: compensation, la solution?
Se constituer partie civile soulève certaines limites importantes à prendre en compte dans notre analyse de la…
The Future of Ukraine-Russia Relations: Reconciliation…
"In this light, it appears that Ukraine faces a significant challenge in attempting to establish peace with the…
Part 2: The Future of Data Privacy
In our modern world of digital commerce, the global nature of the Internet undermines much of the power of…
Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean: Interview Part 2
In the last two decades, there have been discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean. We asked…
The Price War and the Pandemic: Why the Oil Market is in…
It is obvious that the war triggered will be harmful in the long run; it might, in fact, permanently disrupt…
Towards an “LGBT-Free” Poland?
As of February 2020, over 100 Polish municipal or local governments have proclaimed themselves to be “free from…
Élections israéliennes : le réveil des minorités?
Pour la première fois, des minorités traditionnellement exclues des élections en Israël telles que les Arabes et…
Idlib: Syria’s Final Battle
After nine long years of brutal conflict, the Syrian Civil War is beginning its final chapter, and Idlib, the final…