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Brexit: The “Easiest Deal Ever”
With less than 100 days to go before the UK officially leaves the EU on March 29th, 2019, it appears increasing…
Right to be Free from Rape: The Importance of…
At the June 2016 San Fermin bull-running festival, a girl was found by a couple crying on a bench in the fetal…
Easy as ABC? Not in Kazakhstan
Montrealers and out-of-province students alike may marvel at the complex linguistic politics of Quebec – but the…
“You are gilets jaunes!”
As the protests continue, democratic institutions fall apart in front of the eyes of demonstrators. Consider the…
What Would a Post-Merkel EU Look Like?
November 2005, Germany. The Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) has won the federal elections, in a…
Expulsion of Roma in Italy and a Quiet Response from the…
"Today, the Roma lack political clout as socially isolated members of society who are purposely ignored by most…
One City to Rule Them All
There is nothing inherently wrong with a city becoming a centre of power in a country. The issues arise, however,…
Bannir Le Voile Intégral En France, Enjeux Sécuritaires…
Cette loi est donc une remise en cause directe de la décision de ces femmes de porter le voile au sein de la…
Traitement des données en France : entre sécurité et…
la loi antiterroriste contredit le RGPD dans la mesure où elle autorise le gouvernement français à accéder aux…
Macron’s Presidency: A Revolution Turned Sour?
Macron's presidency delivers a programme unfamiliar to the French electorate: optimism. The French President's…
North Macedonia: The Implications and Process of…
For nearly thirty years the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (called the FYROM officially at the UN and the…
Pas de droits, pas de partenariat : comment la violation…
Depuis sa montée au pouvoir, la politique hostile et quasi-autoritaire menée par Erdogan ne fait que détériorer les…