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Ieri, oggi, domani: The Unceasing Battle against Racism…
The Italian people urgently needs to revisit some key passages in its history in order to understand, and combat,…
Known Unknowns: Israeli Power and Russian Permission in…
In the most recent flare-up between Israel and Iran in Syria, Russia said everything about its dubious relationship…
Defining Brexit: A Call for a Second Referendum
In about two months, on March 29th of this year, the United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union. This day…
How the Refugee Crisis Became the EU Crisis
The inability of the EU to make decisions concerning distribution, asylum procedures, and courses of action has…
Veganism and Political Activism: A Contentious and…
It's officially 2019, and online personalities such as Piers Morgan are still decrying the introduction of vegan!-->…
Airbus : enquêtes sur des combines de haut vol
Bourse de Paris, le 20 décembre à midi : le titre du groupe industriel plonge de 8.31%. Moins d’une heure plus tôt,…
A Woman’s Right to Choose: Changing Abortion Laws…
The clashing ideals of 'Pro-Life'and 'Pro-Choice continually struggle to gain ground around us. They frequently…
Why, Orbán, Why?
Tightened control of academic life and of educational ideologies and practices goes against the theoretical…
Free Transit in Luxembourg: A Question of Sustainability
Few nations have a car culture as strong as that of Luxembourg; the Grand Duchy has the highest ratio of passenger…
Brexit: The “Easiest Deal Ever”
With less than 100 days to go before the UK officially leaves the EU on March 29th, 2019, it appears increasing…
Right to be Free from Rape: The Importance of…
At the June 2016 San Fermin bull-running festival, a girl was found by a couple crying on a bench in the fetal…
Easy as ABC? Not in Kazakhstan
Montrealers and out-of-province students alike may marvel at the complex linguistic politics of Quebec – but the…