Browsing Category
Russia’s Successes and Failures in the Middle East
A key tenant in Russia's new Foreign Policy Concept, passed in December 2016, was to increase their power and…
Facebook: Russian Bots and a Crisis of Identity
Facing recent charges of spreading “fake news” and facilitating foreign interference, Facebook may be compelled to…
Review’s Radio: Visions of Sovereignty in Québec…
How does the global phenomenon of nationalism manifest differently from one local context to another? Professor…
How Poetry and Culture Could Make France China’s Biggest…
Political clashes between the East and the West have become regulars in newspaper headlines the world over,…
A Stagnant War: What’s Next for Ukraine?
The war in Eastern Ukraine has severely debilitated the country on virtually all fronts. Since the beginning of the…
Population Ageing and the Refugee Crisis
Today, the majority of the developed world is facing the economic consequences of an ageing population and a…
What Can Europe’s Centre-Left Learn from the Communist…
Throughout 19th century Europe, suffrage was restricted to the property-owning middle and upper classes. As a…
Temporary Foreign Worker Programs: A Moral Stain or…
Recent evidence collected by the Alberta Health Inspectors alleging that foreign workers were living out of a…
Can the EU Rise to the Challenge of Illiberalism?
Europe—and the world at large—has seen a rise of what some call ‘illiberal democracies’ in past decades. They are a…
“Demolition Man”: How Matteo Renzi’s…
It is worth occasionally pausing for a moment and noting just how astonishing it is that Emmanuel Macron is…
Politicized Memory: The Holocaust in Poland
In an increasingly far-right and nationalist Eastern Europe, Poland’s government is moving to revise and politicize…
The Winning Formula of European Populism
Over the last decade, populism has cemented itself onto the centre stage of European politics. By 2017, populist…