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Seeking Refuge in a Warming World
In 2015, millions of Syrian refugees fled their war-torn country in search of peace and security. The vast majority…
A Curious Coalition in Iceland
The Left-Green Party turned to two unconventional potential partners—the Euroskeptic conservative Independence…
Emmanuel Macron’s France: Making the World Great…
When one thinks of the global order, America comes to mind as the pre-eminent power whether that be in military,…
Russia’s Newest Satellite State May Be Farther…
In the post-World War II era, Europe was divided by what Winston Churchill proclaimed as an “iron curtain,” a…
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former…
"I just drank poison" -- With these words, the twenty-five-year mandate of the International Criminal Tribunal for…
THЭ VЭRΔICT: The Case of Irianna VL, Part 2
For Part 1 of this story:э-vэrδict-case-irianna-v-l/
This two part story of justice…
The Time is Right for a New British Prime Minister
These are troubling times for Theresa May, British Conservative Party leader. A disastrous snap election result…
Remembering 1917: Russia’s Modern Counter-Revolution
On November 7, 2017, Marxists around the world celebrated the centenary of the world’s first successful socialist…
INTERPOL: targeting international criminals, terrorists,…
On October 17, 2017, Russian officials put out a request for cooperation from the international community to locate…
Re-packaged Nazism, Germany’s ‘Alternative…
On 25 September 2017 over 13% of the German electorate voted for the AfD “Alternative für Deutschland,” or in…
THЭ VЭRΔICT: The Case of Irianna V-L
This is the beginning of a two part story of justice, political affiliation and questionable evidence that has torn…
The Value of Pragmatism: Challenges and Opportunities…
The Eurozone’s imperfect monetary union eats away at the political and social project of the EU as a whole. As…