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Repeal, Defund, or Legalize: The Fight for Abortion in…
Abortion remains a controversial topic in the West regardless of whether it is legal or not. While the United…
Hello Darkness My Old Friend – Renewed Tensions in…
Violence has engulfed the Donbas as conflict between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists gains a new lease on…
The Northern Sea Route and Trudeau’s Russia…
Peter the Great established St. Petersburg on the Gulf of Finland 300 years ago to give the Russian polity access…
A Tale of Two Countries: Switzerland and the United…
In a world concerned with the insatiable quest for instantaneous results, it is worth noting that at the time of…
Brexit: Opportunity or Distraction for the EU?
Theresa May’s speech from the Home Office on the 17th of January put an end to 6 months of uncertainty as to the…
The EU and the New East: Integration, Confrontation, and…
The establishment of visa-free travel to Belarus for citizens of 80 countries (including European Union Member…
To Euro or Not to Euro? For Croatia, the Wise Choice is…
The road to the Euro remains a long one for Croatia despite the fact that the Croatian National Bank (CNB), intends…
François Fillon: Another Le Pen? Another Trump? Hardly.
Last November the entire political scene was left absolutely stunned as the electorate made itself heard and…
Spain’s Internal Struggle and its Quest for…
Many of the political events that took place in the past year have called to question the future of the European…
David Farrell (University College Dublin) on…
MIR is pleased to present our first…
The Turkey-Russia Rapprochement
Nearly a month following the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, we have seen neither…
Terra Nullius – Georgia’s Shifting Frontiers
At the annual celebration of the Russian Geographical Society in Saint Petersburg last November, Russian President…