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How Little Wallonia Put a Freeze on the Biggest Trade…
October was the month, 2016 the year. It was all set to be signed, and then, nothing. But then it was on again...…
The Bataclan Massacre: Unsatisfying Recovery
The Parisian concert hall Le Bataclan is officially reopening on November 12th 2016, one year after the massacre…
Manipulation in the Time of Crisis: The Sexual…
In the midst of the European refugee crisis, informal refugee camps should be shut down due to the laxness and…
Reality TV Politics
Now this is something unusual in the French TV landscape. Beside their polemical investigation of French Islam in…
The Reluctant Welcome of the Calais Migrants and What It…
When it comes to the dispatching of the Calais migrants throughout France, there seems to be two types of…
Italy’s Veto Threat and the Refugee Crisis
The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is currently threatening to veto the European Union budget if other EU…
Review’s Radio: The Economic Roots of Hungary’s…
Professor Juliet Johnson, McGill Director of the European Union Center of Excellence, executive member of…
Miloš Zeman: Pushing Czech Foreign Policy East
October 28th marked 98 years since the founding of Czechoslovakia. A national holiday in the Czech Republic, the…
Hostage to Theocracy
Zineb El Rhazoui is a Muslim Moroccan-born French journalist and sociologist of religion. As a columnist for…
So French: Angry Syndicates and Endless Norms
In an attempt to boost French tourism, Valérie Pécresse, the president of the Ile-de-France regional council, is…
Flight of the International Students’ Trend
Getting an education abroad is an increasingly likely prospect for students across the globe, especially for those…