Browsing Category
The First and Last Resort: A Look Back at Russia’s…
Had one hinted to the average Soviet citizen in 1975 – the thick of Soviet stagnation and bleakness – that a…
Persistent Gender Pay Gap: Is America As Developed As It…
While the extent of disparity between the wages of men and women varies by country and by profession, working women…
How Europe’s ‘Other Half’ Handles…
Is an old divide being given a new face in Europe? It can certainly seem that way when looking at the very public…
A Globally Vexed Relationship: Terrorism and Climate…
While Europe continues to be on high alert in the aftermath of the attacks on Paris that left more than 120…
A False Theory of True Conclusions
A Confucian adage says: “It is pointless to search for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there.”…
Airbus 321: Using Tragedy to Create Effective Discourse…
A tragic event occurred October 31, when a Russian Airbus A321 fatally crashed over Egypt, killing all 224 staff…
The Radical Right: A Tale of Two Countries
On the surface, European and American democracies don’t have very much in common. European Union (EU) states…
‘We Never Forget Our Citizens’: Are Western…
“It will demonstrate to those who would do Britain, our people and our allies harm, that we have a long reach, we…
The Battle for Germany’s Soul
It is a scene that has become depressingly familiar. Between twenty to thirty masked attackers, armed with baseball…
At the Root of the European Refugee Crisis: An issue of…
Decrepit conditions, fences being raised, police taking up batons- the reaction of certain European countries…
Russia’s Invisible Hand – Europe’s…
On September 30th, the Kremlin issued orders for the beginning of Russia’s ongoing military intervention in Syria.…
Personality Cults and Democracy: Is Putin’s Cult…
Last month Vladimir Putin celebrated his 68th birthday. The Russian leader celebrated the day by scoring goals in a…