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La France et Le Voile Intégral: Un Débat Sans Fin?
Il y a seulement un mois, un couple musulman été prié de quitter la salle de spectacle de l’Opéra de Paris sous…
Bons baisers du Kremlin
Le retour de Vladimir Poutine au pouvoir était téléguidé: à l’issue d’un second et dernier mandat, impossible de se…
Racism or Tradition: The Annual Dutch Struggle with…
The Netherlands is viewed throughout the world as one of the most liberal and tolerant countries of the modern…
What the United States could learn from the French…
In 2012 a Tuareg organization, the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) unilaterally declared the…
Sweden-Russia Conflict Escalates Baltic Tension
Since the Russo-Georgian war broke out in 2008, the Baltic states, still haunted by decades of Soviet domination,…
Perspective: Does the Tobacco need more Regulation?
During the middle of the twentieth century, scientific evidence published in journals linked smoking to health…
Small Nations: The Economics of Independence
Scotland’s recent referendum on independence resulted in a distribution of forty-five percent for and fifty-five…
«Beau risque» for Scotland?
Scotland is a country of just 5 million inhabitants and part of the United Kingdom. Québec is the sole…
French Scandals and Politics: The Return of A Bling…
In 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy came as a breath of fresh air while the economy dawned an imminent recession. What…
François Hollande: Toi Président!
Lors du débat présidentiel du 02 mai 2012, François Hollande prononça un discours phare: trait d’union à son…
On the Right to Self-Determination and a State-Centric…
The Scottish Independence Referendum, on September 18, was perhaps the most anticipated political event of 2014;…
New Horizons for Diplomacy between Iran and the U.S.
Amidst the recent clashes between ISIL, NATO and Kurdish Peshmerga forces, along with widespread global unease…