Browsing Category
Can Tulips Help Us Understand Bitcoin?
The events of Tulipmania are often used as a cautionary tale to warn investors of the dangers of market…
Macron en Afrique : un mandat au bilan mitigé
Alors qu'Emmanuel Macron vient tout juste d'être réélu pour un deuxième mandat en tant que président français, il…
Quand le rêve européen se heurte au Kremlin
En Ukraine et face à l'Union européenne, Poutine cherche à imposer sa vision du monde.
War and the World Wide Web: The Rise of The Splinternet
The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has shown that, with worldwide coordination, a country can effectively…
Europe’s Selective Humanity
However, on seeing the European Union’s willingness to provide this help to Ukrainian refugees – on an extremely…
Russia-Ukraine War: The Realist Perspective
Many see the war in Ukraine as an indication of the West’s failure to deter Russian aggression. By expanding NATO…
Eyes on China: Beijing’s Response to the Ukraine…
Throughout history, Beijing has consistently aligned itself with Russia, especially in its efforts to…
L’Europe à l’épreuve des crises migratoires : Les…
L'arrivée de plusieurs millions de réfugiés ukrainiens sur son sol a contraint l'UE à se réinventer. Le caractère…
The War for Ukraine: Why Can’t the UN Intervene?
On April 5, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a stirring address to the UN Security Council,…
Inflation and its Politicization: Concerning Trends on…
The politicization of inflation goes beyond debating who is best suited to lead up the Federal Reserve or the…
A Turning Point for Militarization in Europe?
Has the Russo-Ukrainian war strengthened the European organizations in charge of promoting the peace which Vladimir…
China and Russia: A Complicated History
The relationship between China and Russia has a deep — and not always amicable — history. Their rapprochement in…