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Russian Anti-Corruption Protests Highlight the Economic…
While Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election continues to dominate American politics, Russian…
How a Social Media Star Serves as Putin’s Secret Weapon
Since the age of 30, Ramzan Kadyrov has led the Chechen Republic with carte blanche from Moscow. Excessive,…
Nine Years of Frozen Conflict: Opinions from the Former…
Nearly a decade ago in August 2008, Russia shocked the international community by sending troops to support South…
Another Page in Russia and LGBTQ Rights: The Chechnya…
Accusations of human rights abuses are nothing new to Russia and most recently, the situation has reached an…
The Petrodollar Regime is Crumbling, but How Will the…
The global energy market is undergoing a rapid transformation in favour of unconventionally-sourced oil and…
Speak Loudly And Carry A Bigger Stick: The Implications…
President Trump’s missile strike on a Syrian military base in Homs Province to punish the Assad regime for its…
What Happened to Competition in Russia?
"Competitive authoritarian regimes competitive, in that democratic institutions are not merely a façade:…
The Deep and Dark Web of International Politics
The Internet is an ubiquitous entity. It dominates the lives and practices of many. The birth of the World Wide Web…
Divide and Rule
At the Munich Security Conference, Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, called for a “post-West…
The Northern Sea Route and Trudeau’s Russia…
Peter the Great established St. Petersburg on the Gulf of Finland 300 years ago to give the Russian polity access…
Donald Trump and the Arab World War
The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States has aroused a variety of reactions throughout the…
Battling the Western Front: Putin’s Prognosis
It is thought that the end of the Cold War brought with it a renewed sense of stability and peace in the…