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Middle East
Who gets to be a journalist?
Ensuring the rights of journalists at protests is not only a matter of principle — it is also a question of…
Vaccine Rollout in the Middle East: A Spotlight on…
As one of the world’s most economically disparate regions, the Middle East provides a stark example of inequality…
Biden: the End of American Involvement in Afghanistan?
In practice, Biden may be the one to wrap up Trump’s withdrawal plan. Despite hopes among Afghan government…
The Abraham Accords: A Not-So-Peaceful Peace Treaty
At face value, the Abraham Accords appear to be a historic diplomatic achievement that will promote peace,…
Qatar and FIFA Facing Worldwide Scrutiny With the…
FIFA's decision to award Qatar the 2022 World Cup has resulted in international backlash for the organization as…
Un nouvel accord de cessez-le-feu en Libye : a-t-on…
Dans un territoire où la tendance historique est à la violation des cessez-le-feu, le nouvel accord, bien que…
What Islamic Extremism Says About French Secularism and…
France's recent terrorist attacks highlight the controversy surrounding freedom of expression and freedom of…
Political Distancing: Canada’s Role in the Yemeni…
As negotiations between Yemen, their allies, and the UN continue, the Security Council’s investigation into…
Could Banning Nuclear Weapons Threaten World Peace?
"On October 24th, 2020, the international community reached a landmark treaty which triumphs over all predecessors…
L’école à distance chez les plus vulnérables
La pandémie de la COVID-19 a interrompu des millions de vies et d’opportunités. Entre autres, 1,2 milliard…
L’Empire néo-ottoman, pôle d’Influence de l’Orient : la…
À la tête de la Turquie, Recep Tayyip Erdogan avance des pions de toutes parts dans le but de créer un nouveau pôle…
Outsourcing War: Mercenaries as a Foreign Policy Tool
While the use of mercenaries is a conventional practice, its proliferation is nevertheless a cause for concern. By…