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Europe Must “Grow Bigger” to Greet Little…
Little Amal, the giant refugee puppet captivating the world's attention, encourages the West to adopt a more…
Justice in Syria: There Should Be Some
Where transitional justice mechanisms have sought to enforce accountability and achieve justice for victims around…
Who gets to be a journalist?
Ensuring the rights of journalists at protests is not only a matter of principle — it is also a question of…
Vaccine Rollout in the Middle East: A Spotlight on…
As one of the world’s most economically disparate regions, the Middle East provides a stark example of inequality…
Where Do Refugees Stand in the Beirut Disaster?
As the Lebanese parliament remains in shambles, popular protests have continued despite a COVID-19 lockdown, and…
Battling Conflict and COVID-19: The Changing Dynamics…
Since 2011, civil war has raged on in Syria, creating one of the worst humanitarian crises of the 21st century.…
Idlib: Syria’s Final Battle
After nine long years of brutal conflict, the Syrian Civil War is beginning its final chapter, and Idlib, the final…
Vaulting Ambition
So long as the Syrian Civil War persisted in full force, the contradictions between Russia's alliances could be…
The End of the Fertile Crescent
Climate change is poised to transform the geopolitical situation in the MENA region. Water is disappearing, and the…
The Unsurprising Nature of U.S. Withdrawal from Syria
The recent decision by the United States to pull out of Syria and allow for a Turkish intervention is, without a…
Les kurdes en Syrie : alliés de circonstance pour les…
Les victimes du retrait américain de la Syrie sont avant tout les combattants kurdes, qui représentent pourtant les…
Where The Real War On Terror Lies
Have ISIS and al-Qaeda really been decimated? Or have they merely recalibrated to establish regional dominance? The…