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Europe’s Selective Humanity
However, on seeing the European Union’s willingness to provide this help to Ukrainian refugees – on an extremely…
Heedless Folly: A Tale of the Turkish Economic Collapse
In the past, the Turkish lira has shown great promise for prosperity, but in the last few years, one man has…
An Island Nation in Diplomatic Limbo: Turkish Republic…
The election of Ersin Tatar, a fiercely pro-Turkey politician, as the President of the TRNC in October 2020 has…
Women’s Hard-Won Rights Are Under Legislative Threat
Despite a few exceptions, 2021 to date has been a year of legislative backlash to women’s rights, repealing many of…
Nostalgia Nationalism: Twisting the Image of the Past…
“Anemoia” is nostalgia for a time you’ve never known. While often used to describe the odd feeling you get when you…
Un nouvel accord de cessez-le-feu en Libye : a-t-on…
Dans un territoire où la tendance historique est à la violation des cessez-le-feu, le nouvel accord, bien que…
L’Empire néo-ottoman, pôle d’Influence de l’Orient : la…
À la tête de la Turquie, Recep Tayyip Erdogan avance des pions de toutes parts dans le but de créer un nouveau pôle…
Cihan Erdal and the Fight for a Democratic Progressive…
Cihan has become one of the many innocent victims caught in the crossfire of the battle between Turkey’s incumbent…
Escalade des violences dans le Haut-Karabagh : un…
« Dans le conflit qui oppose l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan, les différentes revendications territoriales, aspirations…
Russian Expansionism Continues in Recent…
"Russian neo-imperialism operates in a way that can be subtle and seemingly benign at first. This is why one must…
Tensions franco-turques en Méditerranée : signal…
Les différends entre ces deux membres viennent alimenter les critiques toujours plus véhémentes qui accablent…
Monumental Symbols: The Hagia Sophia
Proudly anchored in the historic district of Fatih, Istanbul, the Hagia Sophia stands as a monument that seems to…