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Alliance AUKUS: coup fatal ou prise de conscience…
La France, décrite pourtant comme une alliée « vitale » des États-Unis dans la région, a été délibérément exclue du…
Women’s Hard-Won Rights Are Under Legislative Threat
Despite a few exceptions, 2021 to date has been a year of legislative backlash to women’s rights, repealing many of…
New Caledonia: Fighting for Independence in 2020
New Caledonia exemplifies the complex and violent path towards independence, illustrating the reality of…
The Pacific Islands’ Strategy of Nonalignment
The threat of COVID-19 to the Pacific Islands has dominated public health discourse. Less has been said about the…
Looking to the Future on Fiji’s 50th
After a tumultuous first five decades as an independent state rife with ethnic conflict and political instability,…
Climate Refugees: A Story of Classification,…
Climate justice cannot be achieved until intergovernmental organizations fulfill their promises to act in the…
Losing Face: The Structural Inadequacies of Australia’s…
This February, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, embarked on her first state visit to The Republic of…
The Murray Darling Basin Plan: Exposing Australia’s Own…
In 2012 the Gillard Government signed the Murray Darling Basin Plan (MDBP) into law. The Plan, as envisaged by…
The Cost of Burning
As climate change unfolds, putting a price on the societal costs of its impacts may be the most compelling way of…
The Solomon Islands, Taiwan, and the Politics of…
As more and more American politicians begin to hit the road in preparation for the 2020 presidential elections, one…
Face au suprémacisme blanc: la leçon de Jacinda Ardern à…
Le 15 mars dernier, en Nouvelle-Zélande, un attentat terroriste a pris pour cible les mosquées Al Nour et Linwood…
Opinion: On the Christchurch Terror Attack
Yesterday, forty nine people were gunned down as they gathered for Friday prayers in Al Nour mosque and Linwood…