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One City to Rule Them All
There is nothing inherently wrong with a city becoming a centre of power in a country. The issues arise, however,…
A New Era for the Clintons
Much can, and has, been said about the Clintons since they first entered the political arena in 1974, but…
The Art of Pakistan’s Superpower Financial Finesse
Pakistan has always been an enigma in international politics. The country has historically leveraged its…
I Went to Rakhine State and This is What I Learned
"I went to Rakhine State" is not a phrase that you commonly hear anymore. In fact, as of August 25, 2017 foreign…
Twiplomacy: Psychological Warfare in a Modern…
FDR had radio, JFK had television, but Trump? Trump has Twitter.
In the Event of Birthright Citizenship’s Demise
Such policies are but one framework for President Trump’s divisive political rhetoric, which allow him to increase…
Why We Don’t Care About Cholera
How does Yemen's epidemic fit in with the recent history of cholera and what progress has been made towards…
An American Tradition: Voter Suppression
The Supreme Court’s 2013 decision to strike down the core of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a hard-earned…
Bannir Le Voile Intégral En France, Enjeux Sécuritaires…
Cette loi est donc une remise en cause directe de la décision de ces femmes de porter le voile au sein de la…
What is the U.S. Doing in Africa?
The U.S. maintains a vast network of military and CIA outposts throughout Africa. This continental occupation is…
Gregor Robertson: A Look Back on An Impossible Claim
"Today we challenge ourselves to end street homelessness by 2015." - Gregor Robertson in his mayoral inauguration…
Traitement des données en France : entre sécurité et…
la loi antiterroriste contredit le RGPD dans la mesure où elle autorise le gouvernement français à accéder aux…