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Who Does Alexander the Great Belong To? | Part 2
Editor’s Note: This article is the second of a two-part series on the naming dispute between the "Republic of…
A Review on the Soft Power of Pyeongchang 2018
The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics were more heavily politicized than most despite the fact that the Olympics are…
A Moderate Strategy: Key to Winning 2018
With the 2018 midterm elections just around the corner, the Democratic Party is not too far from re-claiming a…
Playing the ‘Anti-Westernization’ Card: How…
Although the Xhosa ritual represents a coming of age into “manhood” - initiates repeat “I’m a man” throughout the…
The Fracture to Come in German Politics
German politics generally have a reputation for being boring, and few German politicians exemplify this better than…
Prevention Over Protection: A Liberal Approach to HIV…
On December 1st, 2016, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stood on Parliament Hill and raised a red and white flag in…
Why China Should Open its Borders to the World
In recent history, China has seen considerable amounts of emigration. In 2012, there were more than 46 million…
Bermuda’s Divorce with Same-Sex Marriage
As the rest of the world progresses towards equal civil rights and marriage equality, Bermuda, a small island…
Who Does Alexander the Great Belong To? | Part 1
Editor’s Note: This article is the first of a two-part series on the naming dispute between the "Former Yugoslav…
Day 3 at the Commission on the Status of Women
After half a week of 12+ hour days at or near the United Nations headquarters, our delegation is getting tired but…
Russia’s Successes and Failures in the Middle East
A key tenant in Russia's new Foreign Policy Concept, passed in December 2016, was to increase their power and…
An Open Letter to American Lawmakers Opposed to Gun…
To any member of Congress currently opposed to gun reform legislation:
On February 14th, 17 people, 14 of whom…